Monday, July 25, 2011

More pants, please.

I really enjoyed reading this blog post from the folks at Crafty Bastards. It offers the perspectives of this year's jury including each member's favorite types of work they saw during this year's jury process, and what they would like to see more of next year.

Now, don't go changing your entire line in order to suit the jury because a) that's lame, b) the jury changes a bit each year, and c) staying true to yourself is the most important thing. At all times. In every way.

BUT, that said...more pants. More men's clothing that aren't t-shirts. And, rugs might also be appreciated next year. I know one product that that is lacking that THIS Craft Mafia member can certainly provide....and I've got several warps prepared to make some kitchen and bath rugs already! Wee!

Acceptance letters go out today. Good luck to all the applicants. I know we're all keeping our fingers crossed here at Mafia headquarters! Now, stop being on the internet and get back to crafting, you nerds.

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